Record high temperature 124.7°F Record low temperature -35.1°F Record high gust 94 mph Record high average 69.5 mph Record daily rain 1.57 in. Record low windchill -50.6°F Record high barometer 33.428 in. Record low barometer 25.160 in.
Daily high pressure 30.106 in. Daily low pressure 30.017 in. Daily low windchill 33.4°F Daily high heat index 44.1°F Daily high gust speed 4.9 mph SSE Daily high average speed 3.6 mph SSW
LAST READING AT TIME: 9:10 AM DATE: March 25 2025, time of next update: 9:20 am
Current WeatherDry Current Temperature 44.1°F (6.7°C), Apparent temp 42.4°F
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)44.1°F at: 9:09 AM Minimum Temperature (since midnight)33.8°F at: 5:32 AM
Average windspeed (ten minute)1.4 mph Wind Direction (ten minute)S (180°)
Windchill Temperature 44.1°F Maximum Gust (last hour) 5 mph at: 9:09 AM
Maximum Gust (since midnight) 5 mph at: 2:30 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)3.6 mph at: 2:31 AM
Rainfall (last hour)0.000 in. (0.0 mm) Rainfall (since midnight)0.000 in. (0.0 mm) ---
Rainfall This month 0.51 in. (13.0 mm) Rainfall To date this year 4.173 in. (106.0 mm)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.000 in/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.000 in/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.000 in DewPoint 37.0°F (Wet Bulb :41.1°F )
Humidity 76 %, Humidex 41.5°F Barometer corrected to msl30.106 in. (1019.5 hPa)
Pressure change 0.00 in. (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)+0.09 in Pressure change (last 6 hours)+0.06 in
Current Indoor Temp. 72.3°F
Current Indoor hum. 22%

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Weather report/Warning/Metars

SOUTH BIG HORN COUNTY AIRPORT , WY, United States (KGEY) 44-31N 108-05W 1191M
Oct 28, 2024 - 01:53 AM EDT / 2024.10.28 0553 UTC
Wind: Variable at 5 MPH (4 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: clear
Temperature: 46.9 F (8.3 C)
Dew Point: 25.0 F (-3.9 C)
Relative Humidity: 41%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.74 in. Hg (1007 hPa)
Pressure tendency: 0.02 inches (0.6 hPa) higher than three hours ago
ob: KGEY 280553Z AUTO VRB04KT 10SM CLR 08/M04 A2974 RMK AO2 SLP077 T00831039 10206 20056 53006
cycle: 6
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica (NZSP) 90-00S 00-00E 2835M
Oct 27, 2024 - 07:50 PM EDT / 2024.10.27 2350 UTC
Wind: from the E (080 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT):0
Visibility: 3 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Weather: ice crystals; mist
Temperature: -40 F (-40 C)
Windchill: -58 F (-50 C):2
Pressure (altimeter): 28.95 in. Hg (980 hPa)
ob: NZSP 272350Z 08004KT 6000 IC BR FEW004 OVC015 M40/ A2895 RMK CLN AIR 03013KT ALL WNDS GRID SDP/HDP
cycle: 0
Alert Airport, Canada (CYLT) 82-31N 062-17W
Oct 25, 2024 - 04:00 PM EDT / 2024.10.25 2000 UTC
Wind: from the W (270 degrees) at 2 MPH (2 KT):0
Visibility: 12 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Weather: light snow
Temperature: 5 F (-15 C)
Dew Point: 3 F (-16 C)
Relative Humidity: 92%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.43 in. Hg (996 hPa)
ob: CYLT 252000Z 27002KT 12SM -SN OVC049 M15/M16 A2943 RMK SC8 DENSITY ALT -3040FT LAST OBS /NEXT 281200 UTC SLP970
cycle: 20

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Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37P at this start time/date 6:25:14 PM 11/24/2011
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The Weather Station, information and web page provided at www.basinweather.com is in memory of "Our Parents": CLIVE AND RUTH STOELK, of Basin, Wyoming and LEONARD AND LUCILLE HENDERSON, of Greybull, Wyoming. Thank you for looking. We hope you find this weather information helpful